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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

We Have a TIE!

Special Guest Judge Janice Thompson couldn't choose just one entry, so we have a tie for this week's contest.

Congratulations to:

Lynda Schab and Debbie Roome

Lynda Schab is a freelance writer and aspiring author from Michigan. Her work has been published in greeting cards, articles and several anthologies. View more of her work, including the rest of this story, by visiting Faith Writers. You can also check out her writer's blog.

Her winning entry was:

Funnel of Fear
By Lynda Schab

The only thing worse than being cooped up in a mini van with my family for three days was knowing that I would soon be trapped in a three bedroom bungalow with my cousins, who were a bunch of Bible-thumping Jesus freaks. In the meantime, if my mom and sister sang, "Open the Eyes of my Heart, Lord," one more time, I swore I would open my door and fling myself out onto the highway.I thought about the joint in my suitcase and craved a hit. I fidgeted with my MP3 player and wished I could crank up some Black Sabbath tunes. But the battery was dead and daddy dearest refused to stop and buy more.

I wished I were dead about now.

Submitted by
Lynda Schab

Debbie Roome started writing at the age of six and has never looked back. She most enjoys writing Christian fiction that touches people's hearts and encourages them to grow.

Her winning entry was:

See Sarah Run
By Debbie Roome

It was exactly 2pm when Sarah put a match to the kitchen curtains. The exact time she should have started preparing his dinner. She’d lived with his routines for so long that she almost needed to be guided by them. The curtains caught quickly and searing flames leapt up to the ceiling boards. Billows of acrid smoke rolled across the counter tops and blobs of burning nylon from the curtains ignited a recipe book. Fascinated, she watched, marveling at how quickly the fire was spreading. The windows were open and the flames were greedily sucking in the oxygen they thrived on. An exploding bottle shocked her back to reality. The plan! She had to keep to the plan! The spare room was the one closest to the road and she flung open the windows.

Submitted by:
Debbie Roome

Congratulations ladies, and thanks to everyone for your participation!

Please extend your thanks to Janice Thompson for being our guest this week - go out and get a copy of her book The Wedding Caper.

I'll be announcing a new contest tomorrow morning, so come back and join the fun!

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