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Monday, January 7, 2008

Contest Entry: The Cross of Love

The Cross of Love
by Carolyn M. Kenney

“Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” the crowd shouted angrily at Pilot. He had no choice but to release Barabbas to them. Jesus stood off to the side with bowed head, praying silently to His Father. He felt the soldiers grab Him by the elbows and lead Him away as the blood dripped from the crown of thorns on His sacred Head. His breathing became labored; the pain from the scourging caused unbearable torments throughout His body. The agony was tremendous, but He picked up the cross lying before Him on the ground and started to carry it to Calvary.

Suddenly Jesus could hear noise and pushing coming from the crowd around Him. He saw a tall, well-built man step forward. Jesus heard one of the guards yell at the man, "Pick up that cross! Now!"

Submitted by
Carolyn M. Kenney

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