How to Compose a Writer’s Prayer
How to Compose a Writer’s Prayer
As Christian writers we can and should pray about our writing on a regular basis. The ability to write is a wonderful gift and as we dedicate our skills to Him, He is able to open more and more doors of opportunity.
Why should I Pray about Writing
Prayer is simply the act of communicating with God. Our lives should be focused on the Lord and we should be talking to Him all the time. He is vitally interested in what we do and if we approach Him with concerns and requests about our writing, He will respond.
It’s about Relationship
Praying about our writing is not a formula for success. Rather, it is an outflow of our relationship with God. Romans 10:17 (NAS) says, “So faith comes from hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ.” Repetition has an effect – either positive or negative. Praying a writer’s prayer is a positive repetition that can help deepen our relationship with God.
Write out a Prayer
I’ve found it helpful to write out a prayer from time to time. I then print it and keep it where I can read it and pray it frequently – at least once a day. I generally do this for a month and the results are amazing. Every time I do it, I see growth in my personal life and improvement in my writing. The repetition reinforces the prayer and the thoughts become real to me as God begins to work.
What should I Include in my Prayer
Start off by thanking God for the gifts He’s given you. Then ask Him to help you increase in skill and mention any areas you need help with. Include a couple of scriptures and close off by thanking God again.
A Sample Prayer
Father God, Loving Savior and King of All. Creator of the world and all that is in it. Thank you for placing a measure of Your creativity in my heart. May it grow and increase as I use it to spread your message. Help me to improve in areas where I’m weak and bring people alongside me to teach me about grammar and plot structure. Let me only write words that are helpful and constructive, words that reveal a glimpse of who You are. Colossians 4:6 (NAS) says, “Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt.” I ask for opportunities to share my words this month, whether it be in a get well card, a church bulletin or an online article. Thank You for Your immense love God. I place my gifts in Your hands and ask You to use them in everu way possible.
I’ve written out a new prayer and I’ll be praying it regularly over the next month. I encourage you to do the same and come back and leave a comment about the exciting things that are happening with your writing.
Debbie Roome works as a freelance writer from her home in New Zealand. Visit her at Debbie Roome or read some of her work at Suite 101 , Take Root and Write and Faithwriters.

1 comment:
I never thought of writing a prayer. I've tried to pray before I write so God will direct me, but I often forget. Writing one and keeping it by the computer will help that. I'm looking forward to seeing how God acts when I do.
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