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Friday, October 10, 2008

Entry #1: Starting Over

Starting Over Again When Your Life has been Shattered

by Marie Wactor

When I was 24, I was divorced and then a year later my father died. I lived with my parents at the time when all of this happened. You talk about a challenge! How do you explain the loss? Everything changes. So many questions enter your head, what happened, why, what is God doing, etc.

Then I thought about how nothing is tangible except the love of Jesus. I cried about everything that I had lost and how things change, friendships, family, careers, etc. Everything WILL CHANGE except the love of Jesus. That was when it hit me! The reality of life, IT WILL CONSTANTLY CHANGE AND THAT’S ALRIGHT! As long as I can have one thing that is tangible, that won’t ever change, we will be alright! That moment changed my life forever. I’ve learned to embrace change and not fear it so much.

All of us have only one life, but God gives us a chance to live it differently and that is a blessing in itself. I know that one day I will see my father again, and even though I have no contact with my former husband, I hope and pray that he will be heaven. Because that is more important than anything, the Love Of Jesus. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart …” (Proverbs 3: 5-6)

Submitted by

Marie Wactor

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