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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Entry #5 Poetry: Prayer and Time by Vicki Buchhold

Prayer and Time
by Vicki Buchhold

My prayer moves without motion,
travels without speed,
cries out without sound,
leaves light waves coughing up dust.
The aimless meandering of a millisecond split
entertains this dimension
while my prayer is taken, His answer given.
He drops it carefully on the thin line—
the line of time where I receive.
He will not hold back until tomorrow,
or wait until next year.
He never fails to answer.
The answer arrives before the amen.
Resolution races down the line.
He sets it to rest at His pleasure.
I will catch up to it tomorrow.
Or maybe next year.
But never is not on this line.
That I can catch it at all is a miracle;
I’m slow and my days are numbered.
Time and forgetting, I miss it sometimes.
If I have, if I am, if I do,
please point it out to me
when I get there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thoroughly enjoyed your writing and kudos for your accomplishment!