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Tuesday, September 8, 2009


A Review of Max Lucado’s Latest Book
By Debbie Roome

Max Lucado has an amazing ability to bring the Bible alive through his writing. His latest book, Fearless, is a fine example of his skill. He starts off by examining fear and questioning what part it plays in a Christian’s life. The answers are deep and thought provoking.

The book contains a study guide at the back and each chapter is a stand-alone look at fear. The titles are creative and an invitation to read more. I was enticed by, There’s a Dragon in my closet, The Villagers of Stiltsville, and Caffeinated Life. Each chapter is crammed with real-life stories which are followed up and validated by events from the Bible. I find that Lucado has a real gift for digging deep into the human heart and exposing what goes through our minds.

During the course of the book, the bolts of our belief are compared to substandard rivets on the Titanic and our fear of smallness is summed up in thought-provoking ways. Worry that morphs into toxic panic is examined and relevant topics such as Swine flu and the recession are tackled. Lucado even uses Pollyanna and Chicken Little as examples to illustrate how we often behave – and then uses the Word to show us a better way.

Fearless is soaked in scripture and is an inspiring read that helped me realise that the best way to conquer my fears is to face them with God at my side. It’s the sort of book that can be read over and over and new truths will pop out each time. I would recommend it to anyone who struggles with fear – and don’t we all to one degree or another?

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