Will Death be Defeated in the Future?
Reviewed by Phee Paradise
Eternity Falls by Kirk Outerbridge
I’ve never read a cyber thriller, although I like science fiction. So Eternity Falls was new to me, but had a lot of familiar elements. The world of Rick Macey has taken our obsession with the internet to a new extreme and it was a little scary to read about people physically connected through jacks in their necks. But I’ve seen enough futuristic movies for that to almost seem natural.
The real theme is whether mankind should use science to prolong our lives indefinitely. A Miracle Treatment has been developed that will do just that, and Macey is hired to stop a “terrorist” who has found a way to negate the treatment. His adventures are typical of any detective novel, including car chases, gun battles and fighting an evil mastermind. He’s hired by a beautiful woman who intrigues him, but hinders his investigation.
Macey faces the question of immortality in an internal debate, as well as with Sheila, who is a scientist, and even the terrorist. Religion has been all but forgotten, after the passage of the Freedom from Deity law, but Macey was once a Christian. God plays a role in the decisions about the Miracle Treatment and Macey must confront his past.
Outerbridge has constructed a tight crime story with lots of action, thought provoking themes and good characters. My only complaint is with Sheila, the woman who hires Macey. She is presented as a tough corporate manager, with some nasty personal habits. But she very quickly turns into an emotional wimp. It’s a bit incongruous when Macey calls her face angelic. But don’t let that stop you from enjoying a fun story.
Pros: Fast action, challenging ideas and good characters as well as a strange but believable futuristic world.
Cons: Lots of computer jargon and technology that is quite confusing, but necessary to the action.

While pursuing an engineering degree in college, Kirk endeavored to tell his own stories, choosing writing as the easiest and cheapest medium to master—or so he thought. Several years and several hundred thousand words later, he produced a Sci-fi trilogy that shall never (God willing) see the light of day, but that did teach him much needed lessons about the craft of writing fiction.
After college Kirk returned to his homeland of Bermuda where he reunited with his childhood friend and future wife, Ria. But before marrying his lovely wife, Kirk entered an even greater marriage and devoted his life to Christ in 2002.
With a new found direction in life, writing fell by the wayside but the urge to tell futuristic stories never left. After much prayer and contemplation, Kirk purposed his writing for God’s Will, seeking to draw to Christ those who shared his passions for all things futuristic and Sci-fi.
Kirk currently lives with his wife Ria and 18 month old son Miles in beautiful Bermuda. He is a faithful member of the Church of Christ and is a professional engineer employed by the government.

When a Gentec client suddenly dies of natural causes, the powers that be will stop at nothing to ensure their version of eternity remains unchallenged; even if it means concocting a religious sabotage conspiracy to cover a lie.
With the media about to blow the story wide open, the credibility of Gentec and the lives of millions of clients rest on one man’s ability to uncover the truth.
Enter detective Rick Macey, religious counterterrorist expert and Gentec executive Sheila Dunn’s last hope for salvation.
Now with the clock ticking and the corporate brass seeking their own solution at any cost, Macey must track down a religious zealot out to destroy the Miracle Treatment for good.
But when Macey finds himself not only falling for his client, but confronted with the possibility that the culprit could hold a connection to his shaded past, the truth suddenly becomes a dangerous thing.
Only through a test of faith can he stop the crisis before it’s all too late and eternity falls.
To read an excerpt from Chapter 1 of Eternity Falls, click HERE

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