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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Do You Know How to Write a Proposal?

Have you just returned from a writer's conference with requests for a proposal, and have no idea how to proceed?

Virginia Smith is teaching an online course on writing Fiction Book Proposals that will help you make the most of this opportunity. Here's a description of the class:

In this four-week course, award-winning author Virginia Smith will present the elements of the successful novel proposal. You’ll examine samples, and have an opportunity to apply the skills you’ve learned. At the conclusion of the course, you’ll receive individualized feedback on your completed book proposal.

Note: Feedback provided only to course participants who submit a completed proposal, minus sample chapters, within two weeks of the conclusion of the course. The critique will include the proposal elements and the first five pages of the manuscript.

Ginny recently signed her 12th contract in four years, so she knows the business.

The course starts this Monday, October 5, so register today!

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