Well, all good things eventually come to an end. As you are already aware, Pix-N-Pens, which is a very good thing, has reached that point, and I am sad about its passing. But an ending means the fulfillment of something. It means that object has done its job. It also marks a new beginning. When a flower fades and sets to seed, it has accomplished its purpose. Each seed is a promise of of the future generation. In its way, that analogy is so fitting for my time here at Pix-N-Pens.
I value this site most for the experience it has given me. I learned through my time here to write efficiently. I learned what ideas work and what does not. It is harder than you'd think to continually come up with new and interesting material. I also learned to write with a speedy turnaround. With one article done, I knew there were only seven days until another was due. Pix-N-Pens kept me on my toes. Then there is the process of putting it all into readable words. So many times have I been pleasantly surprised when something I wrote became a "hit" with readers. I know now to embrace even the smallest ideas.
I learned here as well something about myself. I found out how much I really love photography. It feels as natural to me as breathing. It is the fullest expression of my inward thoughts and dreams. How fulfilling it is now to write it all down! Repeatedly discussing the same subjects again and again has engrained them into my thinking. It has expanded my horizons beyond one blog to other websites, such as Steve's Digicams where I now write frequently. Without my time here, I would not have achieved that.
"Whodathunkit," that day when Tracy Ruckman approached me, sight unseen, to write about photography, that I would come this far? I mean, she didn't know me from "Adam's housecat" and yet, here I am. Thanks, Tracy. You have become a precious and dear friend and outstanding mentor. You have poured into my life a freedom through writing that I would never have found on my own. I am so grateful.
I have gained so much from my time here, knowledge, good friends, and people willing to take time out of their day to read what I've written and view my work. That is where my biggest thanks goes - to you, the readers. Thank you so much.
If you'd like to continue reading my latest articles, you will find me at my blog (you can subscribe via email), hanging out on Facebook or at Twitter. Also, remember to look for me at Steve's Digicams.

Suzanne Williams Photography
Florida, USA
Suzanne Williams is a native Floridian, wife, and mother, with a penchant for spelling anything, who happens to love photography.
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