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Monday, November 15, 2010

A Bittersweet Announcement

Greetings, Pixels.

I approach this post with a mixture of reluctance and excitement. But I keep reminding myself that life is full of seasons, and as the Bible tells us, there is indeed a time for everything.

This week will be our last week here at Pix-N-Pens. I've asked our writers, my precious friends, to pen their final thoughts in their columns this week, and then on Friday, I'll say a final goodbye.

Since Pix-N-Pens started in 2007, we've become acquainted with so many special people, and we've been honored to share books, knowledge, photos, and tiny snippets of our lives with you, our readers. We're grateful for the time, and want you to know how very much we appreciate you.

So why are we ending our run here? Hopefully without sounding flippant, my only answer is, "It's time." Our lives have all changed drastically since we began, and as always with change, new things come into our lives, while old things must be let go.

You'll still see us around - we're all on Facebook - so please, say hello when you can.

I'll be back Friday for some closing thoughts, but please join us all week to celebrate and reminisce.


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Joanne Sher said...

Wow. Praying as you all move forward. Blessings to each of you!

Debra Gray-Elliott said...

So sorry to see you go. My thoughts and prayers are with you.