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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Are Your Characters Flat, Dull, Lifeless, or Clueless? Here's Help!

The next WIES Workshop begins Monday, February 15th.

From Flat to Full: Characterization in Fiction

Are you challenged with how to breathe life into flat characters? In this six-week course we'll explore several characterization techniques, highlighting the use of dialogue, point of view, and description. With weekly assignments, the course is suitable for beginners as well as experienced writers.

Week 1: We'll do an overview of fiction writing 'rules' esp. showing vs. telling and writing in active voice.

Homework: Examine pre-written pieces, making them stronger by using active voice and showing more than telling.

Week 2: We'll create detailed character sketches.

Homework: Create detailed character sketches of major players (antagonist, protagonist, etc.)

Week 3: We'll explore how different points of view, the use of internal thought, and emotions can help flesh out characters.

Homework: Write a scene from two different points of view, using inner thoughts only and emotions.

Week 4: We'll add more depth with dialogue.

Homework: Write a scene between two opposing characters, using internal thought, dialogue, and minimal action. Additional exercise may be to have the student visit a public place to study real dialogue.

Week 5: We'll add to our dialogue skills by exploring how action, reaction, and interaction can make characters more 3-D.

Homework: Strengthen a previously written short piece by using the techniques from the week's lesson. May lengthen the piece to up to 12 pages.

Week 6: We'll add more depth and personality by using description and particularization

Homework: Use the previously written piece. Add more layers, may lengthen the piece by up to 10 additional pages.

Instructor: Linda Leigh Hargrove
Course Dates: February 15, 2010 - March 26, 2010 (6 weeks)
Cost: $125

To register for the course, visit WIES Workshops.

View the full WIES Workshops schedule.

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