Pre-Order Sale for A Pixel-Perfect Christmas 2009
We're excited to announce that A Pixel-Perfect Christmas 2009 is now available for pre-order. This beautiful softcover book includes an eclectic collection of stories from readers and writers of the Pix-N-Pens blog.

For one week, December 10-17, you can order the book at the special pre-order price of $10, plus shipping. After the 17th, the price will be $11.97. Due to the timing, I can't guarantee Christmas delivery, but I'll do everything I can to get the books to you as quickly as I can.
To order, please send me an e-mail. Be sure to tell me how many copies you wish to purchase, your shipping address, and if you want your order shipped 1st class, Priority Mail, or Express Mail, and I'll let you know the total cost. Payments will be accepted through Paypal only.
I'm confident you'll love these unique stories - they're a treasure!
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