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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How to Mix a Merry Christmas

How to Mix a Merry Christmas
by Keith Brown

One day while Jimmy Jenkins was waiting at the mall.

He made a list for Santa Claus, one hundred toys in all.

A bike, a train, and a video game were just a few, you see.

Everything a child could want beneath the Christmas tree.

When old Saint Nick placed little Jimmy gently on his knee.

He read the list of all the gifts to bring on Christmas Eve.

But there was something wrong with a list so long, and Santa made it clear.

There are many more important things this special time of year.

He said, "Christmastime is more than just the candy canes and toys.

It's the time we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

With so many blessings we receive we should not make a fuss.

So listen now and I'll tell you how to Mix a Merry Christmas."

"Take a dash of holiday spirit and a pinch of frosty snow.

Then you mix it all together with a jolly Ho-Ho-Ho.

Give a great big hug to the one's you love. Sing songs of joy and glee.

That's how to Mix a Merry Christmas, it's a Yuletide recipe!"

"But Santa," little Jimmy said. "These toys are not for me.

They're for all the other boys and girls you might not get to see.

I know that you're so busy, Santa, with all you have to do.

I'd like to see these friends of mine have a Merry Christmas too."

"The bike is for my best friend Tommy, the train is for his brother Bill.

The video game is for Sarah James and her little sister Jill.

And for all the other kids I know who could use a special treat.

Please Santa, if you make it so this Christmas can't be beat."

Then Santa raised the little man and hugged with all his might.

A tear rolled down his rosy cheek that glowed like colored lights.

"Dear Little Jimmy," Santa said, "It warms my heart to see -

Someone who cares as much as you of others and their needs."

"I'm so very glad we met today for I have learned so much.

And I think now you have taught me how to Mix a Merry Christmas!"

"Take a dash of holiday spirit and a pinch of frosty snow.

Then you mix it all together with a jolly Ho-Ho-Ho.

Give a great big hug to the one's you love. Sing songs of joy and glee.

That's how to Mix a Merry Christmas, it's a Yuletide recipe!"

Read our previous story, Fuzzy Marbles, by Anita Howard.

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