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Saturday, August 2, 2008

And the Winner of 33 Books is...

She Became A Butterfly. She posted on Karri Compton's July 6th story "All Worthwhile."

I caught up with "She" as she is known on the internet, and wanted to get to know her a little more. Her bio touched my heart, and hope it will touch yours, too.

I go by She on my website:

I am a semi-recent sexual assault survivor, and I started this site to
chronicle my journey to becoming whole again. I showcase my poems and fiction as
well as my theatre performance endeavors (I was a musical theatre major in

I also have a website and message board located here:


It is open to all survivors of assault, domestic violence, eating
disorders, and mood disorders. We are there to support one another respectfully
through the hard times.

What a tremendous ministry you have, She. May God continue to use you to touch hearts and change lives, and may He continue to make you whole.

Pixels, please help me congratulate She below with your comments, and let's show support for her ministry any way we can.

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