
Sing to the Lord a new song;sing to the Lord, all the earthSing to the Lord, praise his name;proclaim his salvation day after day.Declare his glory among the nations,his marvelous deeds among all peoples.Psalm 96:1-3 NIV
I too am sad that Pix-N-Pens has reached the end of its life, but am grateful for the opportunity to be part of it. This blog has opened up two worlds for me – Christian fiction and Christian writing. When I retired a few years ago, I finally had time to pursue my love of writing, which I had shelved for far too long. When I ventured into the Christian publishing marketplace, I discovered a whole new world of e-books, publishing on demand, and blogs.
As a writer, the Pix-N-Pens posts on writing and editing have been invaluable to me. Both Debbie and Kathy have taught me how to hone my skills. Writing book reviews has taught me other skills. I’ve learned to write for a deadline and how to organize my thoughts and convey them to you clearly and concisely. But maybe the most important thing I’ve learned is to care about my fellow writers. Before writing each book review, I’ve had to ask the Lord to help me be honest and compassionate. I wanted my readers to know what to expect, while being as helpful to the writer as possible. I didn’t like every book I read, but I wanted to be as encouraging as I could. I’ve learned that writing is not just about my words; it’s about the Word speaking through me to challenge and encourage – even when I’m writing about fiction.
As a reader, I’ve enjoyed so many books I would have never read. I hope that my short journey through the Christian market has helped you find some treasures too. I would list my favorites, but there are too many. I never dreamed that my fellow Christian writers had so much creativity and talent.
Thank you, Tracy, for opening the door for me. I know you’ve done that for many other people and I pray God’s blessings on you.
Well, all good things eventually come to an end. As you are already aware, Pix-N-Pens, which is a very good thing, has reached that point, and I am sad about its passing. But an ending means the fulfillment of something. It means that object has done its job. It also marks a new beginning. When a flower fades and sets to seed, it has accomplished its purpose. Each seed is a promise of of the future generation. In its way, that analogy is so fitting for my time here at Pix-N-Pens.